02-14-2008, 11:16 AM
The RCSL for the Balance Spec is Shantow. If you have any questions regarding the BOOMkin spec/gear please feel free to track me down. If I'm not around as Shantow, you can often find me under the alias of Krell, Salisha, or as of recently Grushnak.
There are many things to consider when attempting to function as a gigantic chicken-hawk thing...and this is the place to find out as much as possible about it.
In the near future, I hope to be posting a couple of useful sites, as well as some gear and enchanting links.
** Insider Tip**
Please give the profession of Leatherworking -serious- consideration if you intend to play a BOOMkin. The 3 pieces of epic scale armor you can make will be most useful to you, and Shantow has only replaced one of them at this point. They are comparable/better to anything I've found in Karazhan and Zul'Aman. In fact, I am having trouble replacing them with the badge reward pieces added in the Zul'Aman patch.
Target Numbers (These numbers are target numbers to reach for, and it does not mean if you cannot hit these numbers you will be passed over for inclusion on a trip to Karazhan)
MANA- 9000 Unbuffed
As a MOONkin, you will find out that in a relatively long fight you will burn through your mana fairly quickly. In most raiding situations you may be required to earmark your Innervate for a healer, thus leaving you with very few options for regaining mana. There is a reason we are affectionately known as OOMkin. That said, be prepared when going to Karazhan or Gruuls by carrying a couple of stacks of mana potions.
MANA REGEN- 100 in Combat, 250 out of Combat
This number goes hand in hand with your mana pool, and you will not want to neglect it. The more mana you can periodically regen, translates into more mana to Moonfire spam bad guys! Initially, I went with high +Damage, high Hit or Crit rate gems, but I have sense taken the Shaman approach and started to regem my gear for +MP5. (mana per 5 seconds) It has cost me a fair amount in gems, and I hope by typing this I can save a few people this costly mistake.
+ DAMAGE- 600
I feel this is a low/medium number and should be able to be attained fairly easily with the gear thats already present out there. However, this means that you may be (YOU WILL) initially wearing a lot of CLOTH gear. Also, the recent patch which allowed +HEALING to also provide some +DAMAGE has helped to ease the burden on BOOMkins in my opinion.
HEALTH- 8,000-9,000 Unbuffed
Obviously, this is one of those numbers that you will want as high as possible. 8,000 sets the bar so that you will not be 1-shotted by some of the bosses in Karazhan. (hopefully)
There are many things to consider when attempting to function as a gigantic chicken-hawk thing...and this is the place to find out as much as possible about it.
In the near future, I hope to be posting a couple of useful sites, as well as some gear and enchanting links.
** Insider Tip**
Please give the profession of Leatherworking -serious- consideration if you intend to play a BOOMkin. The 3 pieces of epic scale armor you can make will be most useful to you, and Shantow has only replaced one of them at this point. They are comparable/better to anything I've found in Karazhan and Zul'Aman. In fact, I am having trouble replacing them with the badge reward pieces added in the Zul'Aman patch.
Target Numbers (These numbers are target numbers to reach for, and it does not mean if you cannot hit these numbers you will be passed over for inclusion on a trip to Karazhan)
MANA- 9000 Unbuffed
As a MOONkin, you will find out that in a relatively long fight you will burn through your mana fairly quickly. In most raiding situations you may be required to earmark your Innervate for a healer, thus leaving you with very few options for regaining mana. There is a reason we are affectionately known as OOMkin. That said, be prepared when going to Karazhan or Gruuls by carrying a couple of stacks of mana potions.
MANA REGEN- 100 in Combat, 250 out of Combat
This number goes hand in hand with your mana pool, and you will not want to neglect it. The more mana you can periodically regen, translates into more mana to Moonfire spam bad guys! Initially, I went with high +Damage, high Hit or Crit rate gems, but I have sense taken the Shaman approach and started to regem my gear for +MP5. (mana per 5 seconds) It has cost me a fair amount in gems, and I hope by typing this I can save a few people this costly mistake.
+ DAMAGE- 600
I feel this is a low/medium number and should be able to be attained fairly easily with the gear thats already present out there. However, this means that you may be (YOU WILL) initially wearing a lot of CLOTH gear. Also, the recent patch which allowed +HEALING to also provide some +DAMAGE has helped to ease the burden on BOOMkins in my opinion.
HEALTH- 8,000-9,000 Unbuffed
Obviously, this is one of those numbers that you will want as high as possible. 8,000 sets the bar so that you will not be 1-shotted by some of the bosses in Karazhan. (hopefully)