((I'd mentioned over in the Naxx thread that I don't have much (any?) experience with raids, and even grouping. I've soloed most of the way to 70, with duo work with a friend. I've been to BRD and LBRS once each. My first Dire Maul run was a few weeks ago to get my Dreadsteed and a couple visits to Strat and Scholo and that's about it.
Raiding and 5-manning a dungeon are fairly different. I'm going to start looking for groups to do the dungeons in Outland and clear out those quests before I tackle some Heroics. I'm looking for any general advice for what a warlock does in a 5-man instance. I know there a specifics regarding each encounter, but what are the basics for playing well with others?))
((your main job is to do as much damage as you can your one of the major pew pewers in the group, the second task you do is provide HS's and Soulstone the healer so that they can rez in case of a wipe, and the third thing you will have to do is learn to use your succi's seduce properly and learn how to fear bomb depending on your group.(the succi is a bit random though in my experiance cause your succi can die easy between seduces and if you have her on Defencive she might go after someone that hit you instead of reseduceing her original target and for fear bombing just make sure the person is as far back as you can get them before fearing its best to have a room for them to run around in rather than a hall cause when they have a room to run in its less likely that they will run into another group where as in a hall not as much side to side room to run in which increases their up and down running)))
So.. I started to answer this (by starting I mean getting into the first two paragraphs of what I realized would be a HUUUGE explanation).. and then realized as I got to writing all of it, I was quite stepping onto the toes of two certain Warlock class lead. Which, *pokes*, would be good to hear from. Ooooh Eeeeeeve, Ooooh Teeeeet.
Alas, as always, WoWWikki has the answer:
Instance Grouping Guide - Warlock
(the pretty link setup for that seems to hate me and won't work, I don't know why!)
Elitest Jerks know their stuff and they know it WELL:
Warlock PVE Raiding Compendium.
Generally the WoWWikki
Warlock Article as a whole.
-- Their
Warlock Tactits section has been quite helpful to me. :)
Like I said, lots of info.. And to be educated = win.
Yeah, Eve's computer is still down, so she only has internet access about half the time right now. The tactics article that Sound linked is very good though. "Do DPS" can mean a lot of things, especially with curses and dots involved. That, the various stones, and crowd control are pretty key for a warlock.
The succubus works best if whoever is assigning CC targets gives you a caster to seduce. That isn't always an option, but when it is, your succubus will live a lot longer when it breaks.
also along with the seduce, fear on top of that is good as well. if your fear/seduce targets starts running for the hills though, just slap on a curse of recklessness, reseduce, then curse of shadows and refear.
Efluvious Wrote:also along with the seduce, fear on top of that is good as well. if your fear/seduce targets starts running for the hills though, just slap on a curse of recklessness, reseduce, then curse of shadows and refear.
Should add that this is "advanced" warlocking. If you're in a PuG and fear your CC mob, and don't get it under control using seduce and Curse of Recklessness, that's going to piss a lot of people off.
Still, Fear + CoR is an excellent way to keep a creature controlled if you have the attention to keep it from running around. I'd consider this an "emergency" tactic, though, as it does require a lot of attention and will take away from your DPS, which is your primary role in a group.
yar, it does take away from your dps, but I'd still recommend at least learning how to do it. Sometimes a mob that you are assigned can one shot you, so the backup fear can really help. But yeah, not beginners stuff.
Sound, great links. The elitist jerks looks like a good board in general. Thanks.
I'm sure it might be in these articles, but for clarification on the fear/seduce is that overlapping the two techniques to make sure the mob is never "out of control". Or do you really just use one OR the other.
This is hugely helpful by the way. I'd have never considered the succy actually.
for casters using just seduce is normally fine, as well as for most melee as long as you keep your distance. if you are worried about getting oneshot by it or if it does something particularly nasty like summon adds instantly, the backup fear on top of it helps.
I got Eonah killed about 438975 times before I started doing this.
I don't have the best memory/attention span in the world ..*cough*.. and when I'm on Vyth it can take a second or two for me to realize sometimes that seduce is down. Oftentimes those few seconds are all something needs to go beat on a healer. Warlock CC can require a LOT of attention and I'm not so much the best at that. :mrgreen: In helps to stop getting my healer beat up (healers can generate a LOT of threat on a mob while it's seduced) during my seduction breaks/Vythika is spacing out moments,I changed my tactics awhile back and have been pleased.
Now, before seducing any target I've been assigned, I first hit it with a searing pain and then apply the seduce. Instead of wanting to first kill my healer in certain lackadaisical moments, it goes for me.. A fact which makes me want to pay even more attention to boot. :> And, well, healer still alive>a dps class dead IMO.
----(And if you're affliction and have curse of exhaustion? Even better, I apply that too. And if you've got it, haven't used and it's up, amplify curse will even increase it's affects by I think 50%? Fear always isn't an option.. and slow moving mobs to help compensate for a lack of clue = WOO.)
The above could and will be entirely disregarded if you're on your A++++ game, however. >.>
Also, if you've got a frame mod of some sorts that you can utilize focus with, focus macros for Warlock CC are very, very, very helpful!
Is it a bad thing that at 65 I never knew that I could use a succubus for crowd control?
Cloudjumper Wrote:Is it a bad thing that at 65 I never knew that I could use a succubus for crowd control?
Nope. I'm 70, and although I "knew" she seduced I just never really used it outside PVP.
Just started playing with the xperl unit frames and noticed the Focus stuff. I'll need to read up on that to find out what it is and how to use it.
Ok, so I think it have it down... Searing Pain, Seduce, run into the rest of the pack of mobs, Howl of Terror, Logout.
Does that sound right?
I would never use howl of terror unless the situation is extreamly desperate that move seems to be meant to get a few seconds to regroup but if you do it when a tank is up and manageing well enough that the healer can keep him up its better just to DoT up the DPS target maybe throw in a shadowbolt or two then go check on your seduce target and I've found that in several dungeons you will be asked for fear CC so be very carefull when doing that I normally manage to keep both my fear and seduce target CCed but it can get ugly fast if you manage to die while controling 2 CCs
Garhgal Wrote:Ok, so I think it have it down... Searing Pain, Seduce, run into the rest of the pack of mobs, Howl of Terror, Logout.
Does that sound right?
<insert thumbs-up icon here>
Garhgal Wrote:...run into the rest of the pack of mobs, Howl of Terror, Logout.
He was joking, BB. :)
and Garhgal, you missed the step about writing the hack which let's you log out during combat! Get that in there and Vyth may have a thing or two she needs to get setup. :p