The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Darkmoon Faire Personality Test
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Apparently I'm a paladin... who knew? *shrug*
Interesting...I'm a Druid.


You pick just one answer involving helping others and you end up as a stinkin druid...


Weird it says that I'm a mage....


"Bury the artifact in your forehead and absorb the negative energies. What could go wrong."

This answer is an awesome send up of one of the biggest "Huh?" events in Blizzard lore.

Oh, and the question about his minions is...ironic, considering recent IST events.

Oh, and Druid. Oddly enough based on my answers. A very aggressive Druid. Huh.
I was a mage!

Which is what I suspected I would be IRL. Wow, that thing's good! Big Grin


Paladin here, too. Go figure.
Hm... Druid on my first try, Warlock on my second.

*cackles evilly*
Priest.....go figure.
Warrior here. And all I did was pick what I thought was the most amusing answers.