I would like to try Leo again this week. We won't be seeing him to many more times, as I want to move on to new content soon.
This week I know we will be down a tank and healer (Amato and Coranda). Also, Melikar and Sreng may be slightly late. I will get things going around 700p Server.
I'll help with somebody. I could bring ol' Ponchoez to help with healing.
I'm in if you need some shade.
I don't know at this time if I'll be able to make it tomorrow.
I'm being forced to Chicago, yet again due to another emergency.. I'll try to keep you posted.
Edit: AT&T screwed me over. I'm still down here. I won't be able to make it unfortunately.

Yes, thank you for saving me a spot Jaba.
Hope things work out for ya Fritz.
I should be able to make this raid but i'm not sure how many I will be able to make in the future. I just started working at McDonalds and my training is going to be at night time and I think its going to be likely when I finnish my training that I will be working night shift. But I'll worry about that when I actually get my schedule.