I tried something a little different in BT last night. I made riptide my primary healing spell, followed up with LHW. The idea is to get the haste buff for LHW. Occasionally, I would follow with CH to get the 25% healing bonus. I had some CH hit for over 11k on first target. In general, I was fairly pleased with it, and enjoyed it. It kept me busy and was more engaging that CH spam. Of course, not all of it showed up on the healing meters. My god what is it with the druids? Huge amounts of healing with Wild growth and practically no overhealing. In that raid, sometimes it is hard to get a heal in edgewise, but my conclusion is that with that combo, resto shaman should be ok for main healing in 5-mans.
Also, I am gearing for Int and Crit currently. I am little unsure about this, but with haste bonus from Tidal Waves, I figure haste is less important, and Int is all good for mana totems, crit, mana regen, and mana pool.
I should break out Vosiri and try some healing soon. I think I have hit the too many alts ceiling....
Healing as Resto in 5 - 15 person groups is ridiculously easy now. I'm currently using Riptide as my primary spell, followed by Chain Heal; absurd crits make me happy. I've been seeing Chain Heal first hits for 6-7k routinely with that combination, and I'm in Kara/SSC gear at the moment.
My biggest problem right now is that I suddenly seem to produce an insane amount of healing aggro. Even though Riptide doesn't have an aggro modifier listed in its tooltip, I find my threat popping red frequently upon casting. I'm constantly having to stop and wind shock things, or drag them back to tanks in smaller instances. It's not nearly as much of a problem in raids, though; the structure of bigger runs means my casting generally starts a little later and there are (often) fewer targets at once.
*reads through that*
Heh, I appear to be in hyperbole-mode. I'm not usually so emphatic about such things, especially since I don't have numbers or anything concrete to point to. Still, things do feel incredibly different now. Good different, but different nonetheless.
Coranda, do you have any points in Healing Grace (Threat Reduction Talent)?
Just curious, becasue I might spend some points there when I respec for leveling and not raiding.
She didn't, as of that post. I'm respeccing her to have full points in it today and we're going to see what difference that makes.
Did someone forget to change who who was logged in?
Daichallar Wrote:Did someone forget to change who who was logged in?
Nah, Amato just likes to take care of his woman ;D
Thanuist Wrote:Daichallar Wrote:Did someone forget to change who who was logged in?
Nah, Amato just likes to take care of his woman ;D
I do her specs for her.
Amato Wrote:Thanuist Wrote:Daichallar Wrote:Did someone forget to change who who was logged in?
Nah, Amato just likes to take care of his woman ;D
I do her specs for her.
... That's what I said
. You take care of her gud in the way you know best! Well, maybe that's not the best, but it's all I know and want to know
I'm pretty sure Cordeiris would kill me in my sleep.
I used to get all growly about it, but then I realized it was easier than both arguing about it and doing the research on my own. Besides, if I don't like it, I can always take some of his gold and redo it myself.