The Ironsong Tribe

Full Version: Wrath Grouping
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Starting next week your wonderful officer Corps will be organizing and/or leading instance/questing nights.
The schedule is as follows:

Monday: Jabadue, at 7:00 pm Server time.

Tuesday: Zlinka and Oryx, at 7:30 pm Server time.

Wednesday: Daichallar, at 5:00 server time.

Thursdays: As always will be reserved for Moot.

Fridays: TBD

Weekends: Wonderfulness the whole time.



This is awesome, thanks Officer guys and gals! There's even a 5:00 night! Awesome!
I will cover fridays as often as I can. I don't think we'll have any shortage of people on a friday, but I will shoot for starting a group around 8. I am sure others can form up for later times without much trouble.


What about, oh, 11:30 pm, server time?
I nominate you Lhuurssa.


So Kosath, is that 8pm Server time? Like 11pm EST?

If so... Waka and I would like to suggest (and lead if necessary) an earlier run on Friday nights!


Maybe 8:00 EST (5 server), we was thinkin'!
I am intending to do dungeon runs as my schedule permits, most likely I can lead a Friday run early.
Chances are that on a friday there are going to be more than enough to have a couple or several runs on that night which would accomodate people with different schedule preferences...