If anyone is interested i found this on WoWWiki
http://www.wowwiki.com/How_to_roleplay_an_orc. As if it couldn't be more obvious, it's a guide to RPing an orc. Not sure how useful it would be for anyone else but i think it's kinda interesting.....
Was there really a clan called "Flowepicker"?
Also, I wish I could find one of those for trolls. And Blood Elves. I know these things already, but it's fun to read.
Quote:Orcish Warlocks are looked upon as lower then dirt; they are the ones who handed over their race into corruption. If you roll an orc Warlock expect to be treated badly by other orcs.
Wow...feel thankful that The Ironsong Tribe does not have this mentality....*coughs*Dergash*/cough*.
Oh come now, I didnt intend for this to turn into a "bash Dergash" thread. Quite intriguing reading that on WoWwiki though, thanks for sharing!
The biggest problem with the blood elf guide is that they fail to mention our naturally fabulous hair. Such a glaring oversight makes me wary of the rest of the document.
There's naturally fabulous hair, and then there's naturally Noodlemortis hair.
I laughed at the troll one. Hard.