1) State your name and any titles that you have earned, through service to the Horde in battle or otherwise

My name is Muzeroc. Although I have no titles or honors to speak of, I have been fighting for the Horde for several years now,

2) List your vocation, be it Mage, Hunter, or any other.

I am a Mage of the 70th level.

3) Please introduce yourself to us, as much of your personal history as you feel comfortable sharing at this time.

I am a direct decendant of the great dreadlord Detheroc. Even though my ancestor fought against Varimathras, his own brother mindcontrolled by Sylvanas, I fight on the side of the Horde. I feel compelled to do so being a member of the Forsaken, though I have no recollection of my former life. The only reason that I know I am decended from Detheroc is that the great dreadlord himself psychically spoke with me soon after my "rebirth" and told me to follow the Horde for now, but be ready for his return, where I would be in a position of great power as I share the same blood. So, for now I put up with the Horde and follow their ways, grudgingly. I still feel a tendency towards the violent and evil, but I manage to keep it under control, for the most part.

4) Tell us about any professions you have taken up, such as Tailoring or First Aid.

During the course of this new life I've managed to learn the fine arts of Enchanting and Tailoring, both of which are of the highest level.

5) What are the Clans, Tribes, or Guilds that you have been a part of in the past, if any?

I have never been in any such organizations, as I have felt that it was unwise for me to associate with other people given my violent and evil tendencies, at least until now.

6) Please describe what drew your interest in joining the Ironsong Tribe, and any memorable interactions you have had with members of Ironsong.

I met a Tauren named Abbru during the course of my recent travels, and he performed a great service for me out of a pure willingness to help someone out of a tight jam. It is not in my nature to help or even expect to be helped for any reason whatsoever, so you could imagine my surprise when this huge Tauren appeared out of nowhere and singlehandedly saved this poor Undead Mage from a grisly end. Against my better judgement, I decided to throw my hat into the ring with The Ironsong Tribe, solely as a sign of respect to that Tauren with an attitude. I feel my path to greatness somehow lies with the Tribe, and my insticts are usually right on.

7) What is the greatest trial you have faced, either long ago, or in the recent past?

Having no memory of my past before my rebirth, I cannot say of what happened long ago, however I suspect that my greatest trial or tribulation lays in the near future. In my blood I am opposed to the faction I fight for. It is a struggle to hold onto sanity every day, let alone doing something purely evil for the joy of it.

8) What are your current goals, or some of your greatest desires, and the reasons behind them?

I await the return of Detheroc to the reigns of power. My greatest desire is to stand by his side and proclaim his name and total domination of the wretched Alliance. I do not know when my Master will be strong enough to retake his throne, but I will be at his side when he does.

9) What do you enjoy most in your adventures in Azeroth?

I enjoy the slaughter of simple animals, usually with a well aimed pyroblast. There is nothing like instantly flash-frying a Clefthoof for pure fun. Perhaps I will moderate my evil ways in the presence of the Tribe I wish to belong to, but I wouldn't get my hopes up too much.

10) Finally, have you read our Code of Conduct, and do you agree to abide by the rules stated in it? If so, please state so here in addition to a reply to the post itself.

I agree to abide by the rules of the Code of Conduct. *Grumble*
((I'm impressed you both got your name changed in game to be more RP friendly and rewrote an entirely new application to go with it, thank you for all the effort!

Make sure to check out Sreng's Survival Tips for Evil/Noxious Characters when you get a chance ['tis under the Tribal Tennants section], it should definitely help for the RP of Muzeroc and how to properly present such an ill natured character to the tribe.

And come to our moot again this evening you can! It's 6PM server time at.. erm.. somewhere. :X *flees back to work*))

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