1) State your name and any titles that you have earned, through service to the Horde in battle or otherwise

I am Morgrah, head of the Splintertusk Mercenaries.

2) List your advocation, be it Mage, Hunter, or any other.

I'm a hunter of the days of old. This means I don't need this new technology that all these young kids are using these days. No iron grenades for me... I use the traditional techniques to hunt...

3) Do you have an Ironsong sponsor, if so who.

4) Please introduce yourself to us, as much of your personal history as you feel comfortable sharing at this time.

To tell you the truth... I don't remember most of it... All I remember are the three great wars and my faithful companion, Okoto, along side me the whole time. I was the leader of a mercenary group but only one member remains now other than me.

5) Tell us about any professions you have taken up, such as Tailoring or First Aid.

I learned to skin animals when I we very young so as you might guess, I have become quite talented at it... Eventually I got the bright idea of using these pieces of leather to make things....recently I've been working with dragonscales. I've been taught much in First Aid.

6) What are the Clans, Tribes, or Guilds that you have been a part of in the past, if any?

I was the leader of the Splintertusk Mercenaries. We were quite successful for a time, but our numbers continually dropped. I can only asume that they have either left for personal reasons or have been killed on the job...

7) Please describe what drew your interest in joining the Ironsong Tribe, and any memorable interactions you have had with members of Ironsong.

There is no one left that I would consider close to me, other than my brother in arms, Nenji. Although, I've recently become more friendly with a few from the Tribe. Kretol, Kamran, Zema, Edonil and Umu to name a few...
8) What is the greatest trial you have faced, either long ago, or in the recent past?

Out living your friends and family. You become close to them and then you have to see them go. It can be very tough on an orc... seeing so many leave him...
9) What are your current goals, or some of your greatest desires, and the reasons behind them?

I'd like to eventually be able to retire with comfort. I've made a decent amount from the mercenary work I've done but there is still a bit left to be made. I would love to retire in Mulgore.... going out on Kodo hunts with the Tauren... enjoying the beauty of the grasslands... Then I could finally die in peace.
10) What do you enjoy most in your adventures in Azeroth?

Seeing the marvels of the world... finding out the history behind see my memory isn't all that good. It needs to be refreshed occasionally.

11) Finally, have you read our Code of Conduct, and do you agree to abide by the rules stated in it? If so, please state so here in addition to a reply to the post itself.

Yes I have read the Code of Conduct and I agree. The people that I have met in the Tribe are all that keep me going these days...

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