Looking for Items
Hello Ironsong!

I seek the following items and am curious if anyone here can make any of them.

2 Good Axes
Sniper Scope
Mail Boots (AGI and STA if possible)

Also, if anyone can tell me where I can acquire squid meat, that would be most helpful.

Thanks all!

60 Orc Hunter
Ironsong Tribe
squid meat? from a squid!

some younguns just aint too smart.
I can make some really nice axes, but they take a lot of costly stuff.
What can you maKe, and what do I need to start gathering?

60 Orc Hunter
Ironsong Tribe
I can Make Dawns edge and annahilator. The Dawns Edge is way cheaper, but not as good. You can check out what it takes to make em on Thottbot.com if you like. I don't get on line much anymore so we would have to coordinate the on this forum.

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