Letherworker Revered w/ Lower City and Thrallmar needed.
Looking to make a deal with a leatherworker who is Revered with Lower City and/or Thrallmar. Patch 2.3 puts out a new quiver (lower city) and ammo pouch (thrallmar) that I would like crafted. They both require a Primal Nether among other materials. I can, and will have already, collected all the materials myself with the exception of the BoP Nether. If there's a letherworker who meets the rep requirements, and is in possesion of or can aquire a Primal Nether, I would like to work out a price for it's use.
I'm Revered with both, and can make either for you when the time comes.
As can Shantow...maybe even Krell by then.
Shantow the Bear
The Ironsong Tribe

"The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed." King
Even got the Primal Nethers? What would it cost me for em?
I have four nethers banked.

Unless something comes out in 2.3 that intrigues me (that requires nethers), then it wouldn't be any charge for one.
Utter sweetness. I'll be sure to hunt you down when 2.3 comes out. Heck, I'll even pay for the patterns then!
I've mailed off all the materials to Kretol, minus the Primal Nethers, for you to assemble when you have a few free minutes.
Is Kretol's account still active?
It expires in about 5-6 days now, and I'll try to make this week's moot as a 'indefinitely final' appearance, so-to-speak.
I did get around to logging in tonight to craft them, however.
Thanks man! I don't care what you know who says, you're good people!

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