Is there anyone willing to lead another IST Karazhan raid?
There seems to be a fairly continual rumbling about folks wanting to go to Karazhan, but there not being space for them in regular runs. So, figured I'd toss this out there - is there anyone willing to step up and take the responsibility to lead a Karazhan run?

Until we get more people more experience with raiding at level 70, the Tribe as a whole is going to have trouble moving forward with bosses like Magtheridon, and I know a lot of us would love to see IST slapping around the Outlands at whim. Gear is required too, but experience is gold. Kara is a good place for both.

To start a Karazhan run, you would obviously be best to have done it a bunch, but it's certainly not required. Every raid group starts somewhere, and at one point nobody had beaten Karazhan yet. You -will- have to be willing to accept responsibility for the raid, for organizing people, for ensuring everyone's kept reasonably happy, and in-raid things like being master looter, determining strategies, and keeping things fun for the raid. It's hard work, takes time and commitment, but it's also very rewarding to have led 9 friends through Kara and been victorious.

I'm too busy to do it myself (raiding Kara/ZA/SSC), as my wife would kill me if I dedicated over half my evenings to raiding. However, when I could make it, I'd be happy to come assist with advice, strategies, etc, bringing along Logros (as DPS or a healer), or just hanging out in Vent to explain things as you go. As well, I could likely bring a future-raid-leader along on my Sunday run so you could see a full run, I've usually got a spot or two that I can choose someone off our usual roster. We go from noon-5pm, although I'm optimistic we'll have it down to 12-4pm soon.

Ideally, the raid leader is the main tank, but that certainly doesn't have to be the case. If you're not MT, you'd have to work closely with the MT to make sure strategies are organized ahead of time, so that the MT always knows what's going on. You'll also need to know enough about other classes to understand the roles each plays for the encounters in Kara.
[Image: 2270166Iryxy.png]
Dromand (70 Tank/Healing Paladin), Logros (70 Enhancement Shaman), Denul (70 Shadow Priest), Bendon (70 AH-Mule Rogue)

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