Ironsong Bank Declared a Disaster Area
Goblin Inspectors from the local bank guild have now declared the Ironsong Guild Bank a complete disaster area.

Officials in a recent inspection were disturbed at the unusual amount of garbage being kept in the vault. Pinch Copperpiece was overheard to tell his fellow inspectors that he "had never seen anything quite so horrendous...and the smell of all the rotten food in there is now attracting creatures all the way from the Plaguelands."

The Ironsong Tribe has now been placed on probabation pending a hearing to decide if their banking priveledges will be permanently retracted.

"We just don't know what to do with all that crap in there!" stated banker Roy Sparknozzle. "We are thinking of dumping the whole thing into the Nexus....come to think of it then at least the Nexus would be good for something...Garbage Disposal!!"

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