(IC) Note to the officers
*a note tacked haphazardly to the totem, in a deliberate, if somewhat untidy, scrawl*

To the Warlord and those that See, and those that Battle.
We found you in the winter, or maybe twas you what found us, and since then we've fought and talked and learned and laughed with many of the Tribe. They'd told us it becomes –your– tribe, your home and family, and we believe it now. If the Tribe would have us, we would like to stay very much. We muchly loved the moot at Stonetalon where we first got to know you all, but seems it does that every time the Tribe gathers, we get called off to help an ickle fight off an elfie, or get trapped down Under-the-Mountain with those dwarves (hmm... we should snitch Ahuur's keys so we don't get locked in accidentally anymore, there's an idea!), or like the time where we hadn't slept in days and we just went zonk! and missed it again (we're all kinds of sorry about that time). So, we thought we'd ask, just in cases, 'cause we mightn't be able to be there this time either, if we could start to do the grunt work, though we don't –mind– the peon work so much, tis just we think we'd like it... better? And be better at it, maybe. And because we want to stay. If that tis okay. And if there's anything you'd be having of us, anything we'd be needing to do, any elfies what need to be smacked around, that's what we're here for, too!


(( Firstly, apologies for Vil's... eccentric... style of writing and speech. Hopefully that was understandable! Secondly, posting this request for permanent membership (Grunthood) at the suggestion of an officer, because I work evenings, and my off days at this time are Monday and Tuesday. So.. my chances of making it to a moot are non-existent unless I request Thursday off as I did when Vil joined the guild. I'd really prefer not to have to do that again, so any consideration of my situation would be very appreciated! Smile

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