Hitting the big leagues: Black Rock Depths
Formerly /the/ endgame instance back in Beta when the level cap was initially 55th, Blackrock Depths remains the largest instance dungeon in the World of Warcraft to date. Steeped in the lore of the setting, there are nearly a dozen quests to complete within the halls of this city of the Dark Iron Dwarves.

Kosath was good enough to find us the following excellent guide to the zone, which he, myself, Eveline, Fleethoof, and Warlord Sreng have used to aid us in conquering it. So far we have made it as far as General Angerforge and will be confronting him tomorrow night with the intention of pressing on to the Emperor himself by the end of the adventure.

The guide includes a list of all the quests and how/where to get them. Some have prerequisite quests in the outside world that must be completed before you can get the actual quests into BRD, but not all are like that.

Here is the link:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.wow-pro.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=23.html">http://www.wow-pro.com/Forums/viewtopic/t=23.html</a><!-- m -->

Good luck! Spirits guide you!
Some of us also need to learn to smelt Dark Iron there.

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