Hello everyone
For reference, Gorggrot is in retirement and I’m having a blast with a Blood Elf priest. I’m returning to the game after a very long time off and it can be rather overpowering.

Thanks to the many who have invited me on quests or instances. Truth be told I’m a bit on the nervous side. I’m still learning to drive and find myself hitting the wrong button a bit too often. Fading when I should be healing is a bad thing.

So if I turn you down, I’m not being rude or standoffish. I’m just working to get a bit better at doing the right thing at the right time. Stormsong is still the bard that Gorggrot thought he was. I’ll try to get some of the stuff rewritten to fit into the world of Azeroth.

Blood Elf Priest and Poet

Ignore the orc (Gorggrot) behind the curtain. Stormsong is the great and powerful main character.

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