Formal Dance
Announcing the Northrend Ball

Be it known that our leaders are preparing a direct attack on Northrend which is to commence in one weeks time. To the success of that campaign we pledge our loyalty. To the Ironsong Tribe we swear allegience.

Ironsong Officers will hold a formal ball at the coming weeks moot to pay respects to our tribemates and friends and wish them safe passages.

Lord Ravenholt has graciously agreed to allow us use of the Ravenholt Manor for this celebration.

-Proper attire is required.

-No pets allowed (sorry Snuffy)

-You are encouraged but not required to come with an escort.

-Friends outside of our tribe are welcome so please send word.

If you wish you may prepare a few words to say during a formal ceremony. (Please limit yourself to 5 minutes or less)

The Ironsong Officers
Sing True Ironsong!
Where is this being held?
We have been discussing options but I think we will go with Ravenholt Manor in Tarren Mill. I have added that to the post above.

See you there!
Sing True Ironsong!

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