Confirmed workaround for UI scale issue
For anyone that may still be having issues with their game scale, here's a handy workaround posted by Behemus.
Quote: For what it's worth -- this has temporarily fixed most stuff (I had to drag my chat windows up, but all my ACE mods were in the right place at this point):

If you didn't use UI Scale option previously and are now experiencing layout issues as though your UI is too large:

1. Check the previously unchecked "Use UI Scale" checkbox in Video Options.
2. Leave the slider at 1 for now, and click Okay.
3. Type /console uiscale .9

I run at 1920x1200, this did the trick for me, anyway. It seems a little suspicious that scaling down by exactly 1/10th ends up getting everything in the pixel-perfect spot -- button bars that were along the right edge of my screen and had disappeared (and aligned so precisely that i could slam the mouse against the edge of the screen and still activate them) are positioned perfectly now. Sounds like some kinda math error in the UI scale, to me. :/
What is the best thing in life?
Crush enemy, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women.
hey tets, can you write here how to fix item rack?
"Passion and shame torment him, and rage is mingled with his grief."

[Image: playerfeed_1902018_bigsig.gif]
Efluv- In ItemRack.lua

line 1563 - change
function newItemRack_PaperDollItemSlotButton_OnEnter()
function newItemRack_PaperDollItemSlotButton_OnEnter(self)

line 1567 - change

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