Changes to the 25-man Schedule starting 4/11/2010
For the time-being, the IST 25-man ICC raid will be taking a hiatus on Friday nights. The raid will continue on Tuesday as usual.

The decision was made to try and speed up our progress on Friday nights in the future. The intent here is for the tribe to focus on 10-mans for awhile to make progress toward Arthas, learn fights, and further gear up. Our hope is to restart the 25-man on Friday at some point in the future.

Have Mana Tide, Will Travel
I wanted to elaborate one more thing. I am entirely pleased with the progress of our 25-man. We are half-way through ICC 6/12 bosses down. We are ranked 36-39 on the server depending on the service, and top ten for horde. I still want to see the 25-man progress. It is just that Friday nights have become difficult to fill, and many our our long-time raiders have switched their focus to 10-mans and stopped attending the 25-man. Rather than beat our heads against a wall on Friday, I thought a change of pace might do us all good.

We will see what happens, but I fully expect to fire the 25-man back up on Fridays.
Have Mana Tide, Will Travel

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