((I moved his app to a new topic))

1. My name is Buniegnashr son of bonegnashr

2. I am skilled in the ways of the hunter

3. I am well known by melith, abbru, but mostly dispaya who was my advocate in my early years as a young hunter.

4. I was the smallest of a litter of 8 my father having died in the war left mom destitute. me and 2 of my den mates were sold to a wandering goblin who in turn sold me to a dwarvin mineing engineer as labor on a copper farm. I am a quick lerner and after stealing some of my "masters" plans i lerned how to build my first gun. after using the weapon i had just made on my captor i won my freedom and that of my brother bone and found my way back to duratar.

5. I am a master mining engineer and a engineer with goblin endorsment

6. I have never been affilated or a member of any guild

7. My first contact with any one after i freed my self was Dispaya and she has long thrilled me with her storys and songs about the tribe and 2 of my best friends are Melith and Abbru who I love and respect very much.

8. My greatest trile to date was loosing my father and freedom.

9. I wish for the future to bring honor to my family name, to fight for the horde, and to one day return to our home world.

10. I have had many an advanture with Abbru i was with him when he was just a calf and i have watched him grow to the great warrior he has become.

11. I have read the code i understand it and by my fathers beard i will abide by it.
Invited 7/18 by Sreng. See Dispaya's thread with the same title in Peon Discussion for more details of Gnashr.

"She is a soothsayer. She’s a mystic. She is a witch doctor, able to see into people’s hearts and minds. She’s also touched by the elements." -Naomie Harris

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